Tuesday, October 26, 2010

HW 12 - Final Food Project 2 - Outline

The procedures that the major food industries use to process meat is a nightmarish industrial atrocity that involves many unhealthy chemcals added to sell more for less work. Many people in the US do not know about this and hence it is considered a normal routine, and if everyone knew about the outrageous process that their food is made by, there definitely would be a drastic change in eating habbits in the US.

Argument 1: Increased rates of people getting sick from eating food that is considered normal but is actually very weird.
Evidence: Obesity epidemic
Evidence: Diabetes rates in children and immigrants
Evidence: Death toll from food related incidents

Argument 2: Not enough press
Evidence: You will never see an article in a well known newspaper (ex: NY Times) about what the inside of a slaughter house looks like.
Evidence: Unhealthy fast food industries are still making billions.

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