It is considered politically incorrect for a person in today's community to be racist. But as little as 150 years ago, it was a norm to have slaves. Is it too much to hope that it will be possible that in another 150 years it will be politically incorrect to kill animals for their meat? Animal Rights activist, Peter Singer, is one of the most motivational authors. His writing convincingly refuted all the little things I could think of that would support eating meat.
“Half the dogs in America will receive Christmas presents this year, yet few of us ever pause to consider the life of the pig – an animal easily as intelligent as a dog – that becomes the Christmas ham.”
Animals that are fed in CAFOs suffer unimaginably. Not just physically, but mentally as well. They are treated as if they are machines in their money making factory, not living beings. Fortunately, they do not live long enough to suffer extensively.
Chapter 18
I was very excited for my first hunting experience. We started really early and headed to a popular hunting spot for pigs. I wanted to know what it would feel like to hunt somewhat similar to how our ancestors did back in the old days. To Angelo however, it was all about the meat and having a good time. When we finally saw a pig, all the hunters gave me the go and I was felt ready but I missed the shot. I hadn't pumped my gun. I eventually however did kill a pig, a pig that probably weighed around 190lb. Same as me. I was excited when I had taken the shot and heard the pig slam to the ground but while we were cleaning it, I wanted to throw up.
-“Here, I decided was one of the signal virtues of hunting: It puts large questions about who we and the animals are, and the nature of our respective deaths, squarely before the hunter, and while I’m sure there are many hunters who manage to avoid their gaze, that must take some doing.”
-“And what was I so damned proud of, anyway? I’d killed a pig with a gun, big deal.”
If I ever go hunting, I will always think back to this time right now. I will always remember how Pollan felt when he had shot his first game and try to compare it to how I was feeling. Pollan is really talented and describing events that meant something to him. He uses vivid description of very second and of all of his thoughts. and to me, that is just amazing reading material.
Chapter 19
Its time for the last leg of my "Paris Hilton" journey, foraging. Being an omnivore and eating from an industrial food system all my life, it is hard for me to identify which mushrooms are good for me and which aren't. It was quite difficult to find someone that would show me where I can find mushrooms because the spots are very rare and precious. I now understand why, now that I have a spot of my own, I won't tell a soul about it.
-“Wild mushrooms in general throw that dilemma into particularly sharp relief, since they confront us simultaneously with some of the world’s greatest rewards and gravest risks,”
-“If the soil is the earth’s stomach, fungi supply its digestive enzymes – literally,”
I have never liked mushrooms. They always tasted weird to me so I cannot really relate to how Pollan was feeling when he first found his mushrooms. However; I watch a lot of movies about medieval times and in those, mushrooms are treated how gold is treated today. They will fight over it, protect it, and trade it for safety. Since mushrooms all look similar, I would never go out to the forest and try to live off of mushrooms, one mushroom can be delicious, while the other can poison you.
Chapter 20
Now its time to put everything together. Combine all of experiences in the different food systems and make the perfect meal. I won't focus too much on the industrial system since it can kill you... I will focus more on the natural stuff. Giving my friends and me a connection between what they are eating and the environment.
-“Another thing cooking is, or can be, is a way to honor the things we’re eating, the animals and plants and fungi that have been sacrificed to gratify our needs and desires, as well as the places and the people that produced them,”
-"The fact that just about all of those hands were at the table was the more rare and important thing, as was the fact that every single story about the food on that table could be told in the first person."
Wow! I always thought that eating healthy and sufficiently would be expensive! Pollan made so much but it cost him almost nothing compared to all the benefits he was getting. I feel smarter after reading this book but kinda dumb at the same time. All this information was right in front of me my whole life, yet I never willingly tried to figure it out.