Monday, May 16, 2011

HW 55 - Culminating Project - Care of the Dead

Flyer That I Distributed in Brooklyn College:

For the culminating project for the COTD unit, I decided to do something that I had not done for any of the other units; I decided to do something as an activist. Since I read Grave Matters as my unit book, there were a lot of summaries of major methods of taking care of the dead available to me. I decided to make those summaries even shorter so it would fit into one sheet of paper as a flyer. I live right next to Brooklyn College so I decided to go down there and give out the flyers I made and ask some students about some questions about taking care of the dead. Many of the students’ responses were generic and bland so I did not include those in my blog post. I posted one student’s interview which I thought had many insightful responses. For the second interview, I decided to interview my friend who lives in California and attends the same grade as I do. In his interview, he shares his experiences in a funeral that he attended. He did not know too much about taking care of the dead, since it’s a tabooed topic in the United States, so I forwarded him the flyer I made and after he had read it, he said that he had learnt some things that he was previously unaware of. Mission Accomplished.

I tried to make the flyer as simple as possible because people do not usually like reading long flyers that have a copious amount of detail. Short and Sweet. I was very happy when I walked back to my house and I did not notice a single one of my flyers littering the floor by students who were bored. I did not check the garbage bins but I am sure that none of the students threw out their flyers. They probably all kept it and are going to put it up on their refrigerators and maybe even write a blog of their own about it.