Day 1
Lunch: 3 piece chicken tenders with fries from Popeye's
Like every other fast food restaurant, Popeye's food have more calories than home cooked food. The reason I went to Popeye's that day instead of another place such as Subway, was because my friend said that she had a sudden craving for Popeye's chicken so we all ended up going there. The taste of Popeye's chicken was the same as any other fast food places', greasy but delicious. For some people, eating in fast food restaurants is more of a habit than a random choice. I saw a lot of people that I see every time I go to that Popeye's branch. For me however, I really don't care where I go for lunch, I even consider going to the school cafeteria just because I feel too lazy to go outside. Food is food. As long it isn't spoilt or po
isoned, I don't really care how it tastes. But for the people that have extra picky tongues, I think they always need to go to one place or eat one type of food because that is how their brain works and my brain works differently.
Yellow is the worldwide accepted color to represent food or hunger. Restaurants all over the world use the color yellow to lure their customers in and one thing that I realized about Popeye's for the first time on that day was that everything in that place is yellow or a shade of yellow. Yellow also represents warmth, sunshine, cheer, and happiness. These forms of subliminal messages are being used by food companies all around the world to attract their customers and make them more money.
Dinner: Rice, fish, lentil, and various spices.
My typical and favorite meal. Every night that my mom servers this meal, is a good night for me. I'll stay in a good mood and I also noticed that it sometimes helps me focus because I'm not pondering over what I had for dinner since it's so simple. I'm not quite sure what the calorie count for this meal is specifically but I'm sure it's not too high. This meal has a fair amount of carbohydrates because of the rice but it also has a lot of protein from the fish (or chicken some nights). Lentil and spices are just there for flavor.
Day 2:
Lunch: Vegetable Burrito
I wouldn't normally eat a vegetable burrito, but I had to pack some sort of lunch for my internship so this was the best I could come up with. This turned out to be a good choice because I could carry it without hassle. Nutritionally, this was also a good choice. I had some rice, spinach, beans, and potatoes in it and it tasted fantastic. Overall, I felt good about this lunch because it was not only tasty but also very healthy. Typically, American style burritos are large and stuffed with a lot of ingredients. I don't like those types of burritos because they are usually full of grease and they are also hard to manage. I think a lot of people like those better than my style because they allow you to eat a lot of stuff at the same type instead of taking it slow and actually enjoying what they are eating.
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